Authentication service by Miatel

Make your service simple and convenient with reliable Miatel technologies.
Authentication Use Cases
New Registration
Prevent account falsification and confirm ownership of a phone number or email address when registering a new client
Secure System Access
Protect against account breaches and password leaks by requiring user identity confirmation upon system login
Money Transfer Protection
Monitor users to easily verify even large online transactions
Account Administration
Safely update personal data and ensure the protection of confidential information
Fraud Prevention
Combat automated cyber‑attacks by using the client's phone number for identity verification
Online Purchase Confirmation
Protect customer financial data during purchases
Choose Your Authentication Service
SMS, WhatsApp, Viber‑based Authentication
Verify identity by entering a unique OTP code sent via SMS or through one of the messengers
Flash Call Authentication
Verify identity by entering a unique OTP code spoken in a call or encrypted in the last 4 digits of the number
Learn mode
Authentication Process Organization
Suitable for Authentication Services
Financial Services
Banks, payment systems
Online stores, e-commerce
Mobile operators, internet providers
Government Entities
E-voting, access to government services
Tech Companies
Data storage services, cloud services
Online courses, distance learning
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