Virtual Mobile Numbers

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You can send and receive SMS through your Miatel personal account by using a virtual mobile number (VMN) with SMS support. Set up different channels for receiving and sending SMS

Virtual Mobile Numbers
Localise your business
Select country numbers based on where your customers are located. They will be more likely to respond since only their standard message cost is charged for the response, not the international one.
VMNs charge a monthly fee
You can see all the VMNs that are currently connected to your account in the numbers menu. You can also buy new numbers there.

What are the Advantages of Virtual Mobile Numbers?

Local numbers
You increase the loyalty of your customers by using local numbers
Your potential customer will choose you among the competitors.
Affordable price
Over 60 countries around the world
You can work in any where our mobile operators are represented.
How to connect VMN
Check the information
on the website, select the plan you need and fill out an application form.
Speed up the process
and call us directly on the phone.
Or write us at
Our manager will contact and explain everything to you.
You don’t have to spend a lot of time to buy a VMN. The whole process is automated.

For the details

Call us +6531290058
or email us